Wednesday, 9 April 2008

I am Helvetica

Which I'm pretty pleased about, even if I do think I'm a bit hotter than Helvetica girl and I like to think of myself as more of a News Gothic.

What are you and, more importantly who is your type lover?


minifig said...

That link's not right, is it?

Voices From The Below said...

Ho ho, clearly not. Sorted now.

minifig said...

Pah! I'm Comic Sans apparently. That's about the worst insult that I think I've ever been given following a shitty online quiz.

Pah Pah Pah.

I'm going to do it again now with all of the 'right' answers so that I can be the Helvetica I'm clearly supposed to be.

Fucking Comic Sans. Mutter mutter mutter.

Voices From The Below said...

If it helps I think the Comic Sans result is a default response when it can't categorize you - I tested it by being a bit random and came up with Comic Sans every're unclassifiable :)

minifig said...

That *does* make me feel better, although strictly isn't Times New Roman, or maybe Ariel or Verdana more appropriate 'unclassifiable' fonts. Comic Sans is the font of Satan, and I'd think twice about having that as the default. It'd be like having 'murderous Nazi' as the default in a quiz to gauge your political leanings.

Incidentally, I know you didn't make the thing, so this isn't really directed at you. But Comic Sans, I ask you...