Friday, 25 April 2008

Back in the bloggosphere

I think twitter stole my blog-centive for a while there, but I'm back now and in a much better mood. Here are some things that have helped:

- Seeing a happy dog smiling with it's tail up in the air, turgid with joy.
- Watching lambs frolicking like, well, like lambs.
- Watching rabbits at dusk from a train window.
- Seeing the river that runs through Newport at low tide and (inexplicably) pointing out to colleagues how disgustingly dirty it was while secretly fantasising about getting in the deep, thick, gloopy mud and hurling it around.
- Snoozing in the afternoon.
- Buying myself a subsciption to Wired as a treat.
- Getting my holiday approved for The Big Chill.
- Being one month away from spending a weekend in Tipis in deepest West Wales.

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